♥I've found it..♥

Saturday, June 27, 2009 - Posted by Joberlyn Manaois at 12:19 AM
For all of my life, I've found now the thing that I was looking for. The challenge that I know will bring out he best of me. The thing that I know will surely define everything of me, at all aspects, at all matters, at all parts. The strengths I possess, the weakness I have, and even the things that I know is best for me yet, is the worst of me or perhaps, the reverse thing it does.

As I first step on the place that I know will become my second home, I've got this fear and fright, that some time along, I'd get so difficult and made to a point of already giving up. And yes, it really happen, even at the shortest time of staying there, I've felt so much trembling on it. At every word I encounter, at any problem and especially at every person I'd met.

At first, its nice to know that there are still a lot of people who would care to know you even if you look like a stranger of such place, even if you are looking so different above everybody else in that group of people. But, you should never trust anyone, even if he would really look as someone that can be trusted. People is very different from each other. Yes, it is. They make treat you good at first and treat you bad until the end. You will never expect everything that going between everybody else that you'd never know since before. What I've realized ? There's no one that I compare to my old friends, and they are the best among all people in the world. For now, I don't get along that well on people that I've never knew that well.

Till next time ...

♥Finding Happiness♥

Friday, June 12, 2009 - Posted by Joberlyn Manaois at 12:39 AM
It's been already a long time ago since I'd find him, get along with him, and spend a part of me life with him. But now, where starting to get worse everyday that life gets through on us. I used to cry at any time of the day because of him. People tend to tell me of freaking out because of him. But why? Isn't that right ? I'm just getting into my emotions of loving him a lot that whenever we get worse I just don't know what to do but cry. But, in every time I wake up, suddenly a thought comes to my mind, keep telling me to stop being that foolish girl loving a man who does not even love me the same way I'd loved him. Some says, 'stupidity' is occurring on me now.. and how come ...

There's this another person who tend to get close of me. Try to comfort me at times of frustration and downfall. whew! I'm afraid of getting involved with him. I'm afraid that whenever the time comes I get along with my life by myself, and when I got to involved with him, I will be thinking of my past. So confusing for now .. so much ..

And besides, I'm on for school now. Meeting new friends and having a lot of goodies. And, I'd love the life I have for now, get my life by myself in Davao. Managing my own self. And feels good that I'm ok with my life now.
Just being good.